fractures Bone fractures are one of the most common bone injuries & can happen to anyone irrespective of age. However, there can be complications when fractures occur in older individuals.
Fractures are often a result of vehicular accidents, falls or sports injuries. The risk of certain types of fractures is higher in individuals with medical conditions like osteoporosis or certain types of cancer.
There are many types of fractures that can occur. These include:
Hairline fracture: This involves a thin or partial breakage of the bone. Our doctors, at Elite Orthopedics, offer the best treatment for hairline fracture
Avulsion fracture: In this case, the muscle or ligament pulls on the bone leading to a fracture
Comminuted fracture: This is a common type of fracture in which an impact such as collision or fall shatters the bone into many pieces
Compression Fracture: This type of fractures often occur in patients with osteoporosis. It generally occurs in the spongy bone in the spine
Fracture Dislocation: This occurs when a joint location occurs & one of the bones of the joint gets fractured.
Oblique fracture: It is a type of fracture that occurs opposite to a bone’s long axis.
Longitudinal Fracture: This type of fracture extends along the length of the bone
Spiral Fracture: In this case, a part of the bone twists during the fracture.
Stress Fracture: This type of fracture is most often seen in athletes where repeated strain & stress due to running or pivoting can fracture a bone.
Transverse Fracture: In this type of fracture, there is a straight break across the bone.
At Elite Orthopedics, we offer the best treatment for fractures
Symptoms of a fracture differ based on where the fracture occurs, patient’s overall health condition & his or her age.
In general, people with a fracture experience the following:
- Pain
- Swelling
- Bruising
- Discoloured Skin around the injured site
- Inability to put weight on the injured site
- Difficulty in moving the injured area
- Protrusion in an unusual angle
- Bleeding, in case of open fractures
In severe cases, the patient may also experience dizziness & nausea.
The orthopaedic surgeon performs a physical examination to arrive at a diagnosis. Apart from physical examination, your doctor may recommend :
X Ray: Xray can help confirm the fracture & will also reveal how damaged the bones are.
MRI: MRI can help get a complete view of the damage to the bones & surrounding tissues like ligaments & cartilage.
CT Scan: A CT scan gives an in-depth visual insight into the bones & surrounding area.
Bone Scan: Bone scan can show fractures that an X Ray may not show.
Treatment of bone fractures depends on the type of fracture, how it occurred & the extend of damage caused to the bone.
Common treatment methods include:
Immobilisation:This involves putting a splint or cast. Splinting lasts just 3 to 5 weeks. If a cast is required, it is likely to be for 6 to 8 weeks.
Closed Reduction:In case of severe fractures, your doctor may recommend a closed reduction to realign the bones. This is a non invasive procedure, but may require local or general anesthesia to keep the patient from feeling pain.
Bone Fracture Surgery:Certain fractures may require surgery. Depending on the type of fracture & severity of the damage, one of the following techniques may be used.
- Internal Fixation
- External Fixation
- Arthroplasty
- Bone Grafting
Our expert doctors at Elite Orthopedics offer the best treatment for bone fractures. The specialists here are experienced & skilled in treating even complex cases of bone fractures with utmost ease.
In most cases, bone fractures heal well with the right intervention. However there may be complications sometimes.
- Bone healing in the wrong position
- Disruption of bone growth
- Bone marrow infection
- Bone death
With a team of Best Orthopaedic Doctors in Hyderabad, we offer the best fracture treatment. Get in touch with us now to consult a specialist.
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